A long journey by car is a responsible and difficult task. It is important to properly prepare for the trip, so that it goes without surprises and troubles. To prepare, it is enough to take into account some simple rules that will allow you to get confidence on the road and be ready for almost any situation. It is important to make preparations taking into account the recommendations of experienced drivers. For example, you can listen to the advice of truck drivers, but not every recommendation of these professional drivers will be applicable to the owner of a passenger car. And it is not worth asking for advice on various kinds of forums.
As a rule, the value is one answer out of ten, and the rest can simply mislead you. There are drivers who do not prepare the car for long trips, being in a false confidence that nothing will ever happen to them. Don’t fall for this trick, it can cost you dearly. Also don’t forget to get your garage door fixed, before you travel you won’t have a lot of time to choose a company, so if you’re in Canada we recommend contacting A+ Garage Doors, they will fix your garage doors quickly and with a warranty and you won’t have to worry about your garage when you travel.
Pay attention to the operation of the car in terms of safety. Also, think about what kind of trouble can happen on the road. Consider all the possible problems, including the most unexpected. In this case you will be ready for different situations and you can easily overcome them with minimal losses. Of course, you’re still not immune from trouble that you’re not prepared for, it’s the road. Prepare for a long trip should be very carefully, understanding what the route you have to move. If it is a highway with a constant abundance of cars, you have fewer problems at once. But if it’s a deserted and unknown road, where there is no cell phone reception, there are more problems.
Tools and equipment – important points
When the collection of documents for a long journey is complete, it is worth collecting tools. It is unlikely that you will be able to anticipate every situation, but the most important points you can take into account. In the case of a trip on city streets, you can get by with a spare and a jack with a bottle wrench. But for longer trips you will have to use much more complex sets of tools. A standard spare, wrench and jack should always be in the car. Also check for an emergency stop sign and fire extinguisher. These items should be in the car on any trip.
As for long-distance travel, keep these tools in mind:
- a wheel puncture repair kit – this is an inexpensive and small kit that often proves indispensable and saves lives on the road;
- a pump for pumping up the wheels – it is better to get a reliable compressor, but you can do with a foot version, which will be even more reliable;
- a set of wrenches and a few screwdrivers of different sizes for quick repair of minor malfunctions that may occur on the road;
- pliers – indispensable tool in the field, which can replace a number of other missing tools in the kit;
- tow rope – choose a quality and durable rope, don’t skimp on this accessory before a long trip;
- flashlight – you’ll often need a handy battery-powered flashlight to deal with unexpected accidents at night.
What to put in the first aid kit before a long drive?
Every car should have a first-aid kit with a specified set of drugs and medical supplies. But not always the standard set is enough, especially on a long route. When collecting the first aid kit, you should pay attention to the passengers who will be traveling with you. Perhaps there is a hypertensive person among you, for which you should buy a plate of effective pills for high blood pressure.

It is also not superfluous to buy such drugs:
- motion sickness remedies, especially when traveling with children, about whose reaction to road conditions you do not know;
- Painkillers broad-spectrum – they can relieve pain and alleviate human condition in case of aggravation;
- pills to be taken for food poisoning and diarrhea, on the road it is one of the most unpleasant conditions;
- additional means to stop bleeding (the first aid kit already has a number of standard materials), such as bactericidal plasters in an individual package;
- antiseptics for treating wounds, bandages in various situations.
- If you travel by car often and far away, buy a large hard-shell first-aid kit. This way your medications will always be ready for various mishaps. Keep an eye on the expiration date of the pills, it may well be that you have expired medications rolling around in your trunk that won’t help when needed. Assess your personal condition. Be sure to take a supply of pills that you take daily or during exacerbations of disease.